- Soccer Academy - Video Lessons for the World’s Most Popular Sport
- Waynedale 2024 Schedule
- Untitled
- Waynedale Boys Soccer Calendar
- Aulumni/History
- 2006 Season
- 2006 Individual Stats
- 2006 Perry Tournament
- farm system
- Jeff Rice
- Kirk and the team
- Isaac helps out
- Eric Allen eludes defendr
- Tim Kurtx on the ball
- Eric Allen chases the ball
- Johnny Stocker
- Kirk Brnner win header
- Faustin Hoover
- Jeremy Irias and Isaac
- Team meeting
- Ryan Troyer
- Jeff Hradek
- Isaac Leimeister
- Rice fights for the ball - Hamilton and Stocker look on
- 2006_07292perry060370
- Eric Allen
- Johnny Stocker - Isaac Leimeister looking on
- Isaac Leimeister blocking the shot
- Kirk Brenner and Jeff Hradek surround the Coshocton player
- 2006 Perry Tournament team
- 2006 Results
- 2006 Team
- Chippewa
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- Family
- Hillsdale 2006 home
- hillsdalehome06 179
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- Media Placeholder
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- Northwestern Away
- Pre-game coin toss
- The National Anthem
- Jeff Rice - Tim Kurtz looks on.
- Eric Allen following the ball
- Jeremy Irias holding off a defender
- "Eric and Kevin - you're on the same team," explains Jeremy
- Kirk Brenner
- Kirk Brenner with Jeremy Irias in support
- Brenner and Johnny Stocker hold off a Northwestern Player
- Jeremy Irias with the ball
- Kevin Holcombe heads the ball
- Steven Coblentz
- Johnny Stocker chasing a Northwestern player
- Jeremy Irias with Isaac Leimeister looking on
- Joe Hamilton wins the ball
- Northwestern Home
- Norwayne Home
- Kevin Holcombe receiving the ball
- Jeff Rice
- Eric Allen
- Jeremy Irias chasing the Norwayne players
- Golden Bears converging on the ball
- Jeremy Irias with the ball - Ryan Troyer looks on
- Kirk Brenner leaps
- Johnny Stocker looks over the field
- Rice comes away with the ball
- Eric Allen carries the ball
- Isaac Leimeister
- Kevin Holcombe heads the ball
- the chase is on
- Johnny Stocker
- Allen breaking through
- Isaac Leimeister with the ball
- Score in our favor
- Orrville and Coshocton Scrimmages Home
- Jeremy Irias around the defender
- Rice breaking away
- Johnny Stocker passing
- Eric Allen winning the head
- Tim Kurtz in trafffic
- Jeremy Irias battles Orrville for the ball
- Kevin Berkey with the ball
- Faustin Hoover
- Kirk Brenner
- Steven Coblentz
- Faustin Hoover
- Jeff Rice wins the head
- Cody Mussellman dribbles past Orrville
- Matt Griffin
- Joe Hamilton win the ball
- Ian MacDonald
- Cody Mussellman dribles the ball
- Jeremy Irias in the goal
- Griffin battles for the ball
- Matt Griffin heads the ball
- Steven Coblentz
- Isaac Leimeister holds off Coshocton player
- Jeremy Irias vs. Coshocton
- Jeff Hradek vs. Coshoctn
- Ryan Troyer
- Ryan Troyer throws the ball
- Irias with Rice alongside
- Roster
- Senior Night vs. Kingsway
- Sportsmanship talk
- rules of the game
- captains meet
- coin toss and instructions
- Pre-game instructions
- Referee John Heavlin instructs the captains
- waiting for the ceremony
- Parents and Seniors
- Eric Allen
- Eric Allen with Mom and Dad
- Mom and Eddie Fowler
- Lorrie, Jeff, and Doug Hradek
- Jeff Hradek and parents
- Jeff Rice and his parents
- Lydia, Jeff, and Jack Rice
- Johnny and his parents
- Pat, Johnny and Dan Stocker
- Team waits to play
- Introductions
- getting ready
- huddle to start
- Eddie Fowler marking a Kingsway defender
- Eddie Fowler with Mom
- 2007 Season
- 2007 Results
- 2007 Roster
- John Cullen
- Jeremy Irias
- Michael Graf
- Kirk Brenner
- Kevin Holcombe
- Kevin Berkey
- Tyler Harter
- Tyler Chaney
- Faustin Hoover
- Corey Gerber
- Adam Mark
- Tim Kurtz
- Shane Adkins
- Ryan Troyer
- Peter Lueschan
- Cody Mussellman
- Garret Stoltzfus
- Faustin Hoover-2
- Ethan Oneal
- David Keister
- Chris Swartzentruber
- Ian MacDonald
- Brian Knox
- Gary Miller
- Isaac Leimeister
- 2007 Scoring and Stats
- Memorial Cup vs. Central Christian
- Norwayne Movies
- Orrville Scrimmage
- Orrville Slide Show - photos by Danette Hoover
- Pete Raffa Memorial Tournament
- Quickest Goal in Waynedale History
- Rootstown Scrimmage
- Sectional Tournament Waynedale 3 Loudonville 0
- Slideshow vs. Hillsdale at Waynedale
- Tim Kurtz scores in 1-0 victory at Loudonville
- Tim Kurtz scores the Rittman Game Winner
- Waynedale 1 Rittman 0
- Waynedale 2 Chippewa 0
- Waynedale 2 Triway 1
- Waynedale 3 Rittman 0
- Waynedale 4 Hillsdale 1
- Waynedale 4 Hillsdale 1
- Waynedale 4 Northwestern 0
- Waynedale 6 Hillsdale 0
- Waynedale 6 Norwayne 0
- Waynedale 7 Norwayne 0
- Woodridge Scrimmage Slideshow - Danette Hoover
- 2008 Results
- 2008 Scoring
- 2009 Season
- 2010 Results
- Alltime Awards
- Alumni Soccer Game 2009
- Building the Press Box
- Brian Orr digs the foundation
- Ready for the roof
- Jim Davis draws the line
- Jim Davis, Charley Gilbert, and Denny Henricks
- Charley Gilbert
- Matt Gilbert nailing down the roof
- Jeff Hradek
- Charles Cerniglia
- Matt Griffin
- Brett Hoover wiring
- Fred and Charley Gilbert
- Fred Gilbert, Doug Hradek and Denny Hendricks discuss the next step
- Fred Gilbert does the heay lifting
- Storage area
- Jon Gilbert handing off
- Dave Durstine with Jon Gilbert by ladder
- DSCN0231
- Matt Gilbert and Andrew Cerniglia nailing down the roof
- History
- Jamieson Barnes
- Jeremy Irias Wins All Ohio Honors
- John R. Lea Middle School Soccer Sign up Form 2014
- Matt Gilbert former Waynedale Keeper goes Olympic
- The 2009 Season
- 2009 Individual Stats
- 2009 Results
- 2009 Roster
- Tyler Chaney 2
- Tony Widder 3
- Peter Lueschen
- David Keister 5
- Corey Gerber 6
- Cody Musselman 7
- Garrett Stoltzfus 8
- Tyler Harter 9
- Justin Irias 10
- Michael Parrot 11
- Kyle Miller 12
- Michael Graf 13
- Brian Knox 14
- Kevin Berkey 15
- Gary Miller 16
- Chris Swartzentruber 17
- Lance Reidenbach 18
- Shane Adkins 19
- Nick Naumhoff 23
- Steven Machemer
- George Crone
- Jake Greathouse 27
- Game by Game Summary
- Golden Bears take Memorial Cup!
- Justin Irias scores the only goal of the match from a Corey Gerber throw in.
- Sectional Championship Waynedale 4 Rittman 3
- Waynedale 0 Hiland 2
- Waynedale 1 Northwester 0
- Waynedale 1 Norwayne 0
- Waynedale 1 West Holmes 0
- Waynedale 2 Kingsway 1
- Waynedale 2 Norwayne 1
- Waynedale 2 St. Thomas Aquinas 2
- Waynedale 2 Triway 1
- Waynedale 3 Rittman 0
- soccer 09 - Golden Bear Soccer - Picasa Web Albums
- Untitled
- Untitled 2
- Waynedale Quartet Brings Down the House
- Waynedale Soccer All Time Scoring
- 2006 Season
- Waynedale Soccer Field
- Site Map
- One and Two person drills
- 10 Exercises For Total Ball Control | Drills To Improve Ball Mastery, Passing & First Touch
- 10 First Touch Mastery Exercises
- 10 Minute Fast Feet Workout | Exercises To Increase Foot Speed and Coordination
- At Home Bodyweight Workout & Dribbling Training | At Home Full Body Workout
- Essential Passing and Receiving Drills
- Untitled
- One V One Moves to Beat Your Opponent
- Coerver Ball Skills
- Untitled 2
- Soccer Skills - video instruction
- Bending the Pass
- Bending the Pass (Outside of Foot)
- Block Tackle
- Chest Trap
- Chipping
- Cross Over Heel Pass
- Crossing
- Drag
- Dribbling
- Dribbling for Control
- Dribbling to Create the Shot
- First Touch
- Goal Keeper Punting
- Heading
- Heel Pass
- Hill Sprints for Speed & Strength
- How to Defend
- How to Kick Knuckle Ball
- images
- Insided of the foot Push Pass
- Instep Drive, Shooting at Goal
- Juggling
- Receiving Ground Balls
- Receiving the Ball off the Bounce with the Inside of the Foot
- Receiving the Ball off the Bounce with the Sole of the Foot
- Shielding
- Soccer Foot Skills
- Take Over
- Turning with the Ball - 4 Techniques
- Volley Pass with Inside of the Foot
- Volley Pass with the Instep
- Wedge Trap
- Junior High Spring Soccer - Play the world’s most popular sport
- Payment for Junior High Spring Soccer
- Spring 24 Youth Soccer Sign-up
- Youth Leage Payment
- Site Map
- Waynedale Soccer Youth Soccer Camp online fee payment
- Waynedale Soccer Camp $10 fee We can no longer promise a ball and a shirt at this late date.